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Updated HP HP0-M48 PDF & VCE Free Download Now

Posted in HP

Vendor: HP
Exam Code: HP0-M48
Exam Name: HP LoadRunner 11.x Software

What is the purpose of the Auto Correlate function?

A.    to merge results from two load test scenarios
B.    to autodiscover and document all bottlenecks detected during a performance test
C.    to detect similar trends among measurements by correlating a measurement in one graph with measurements in other graphs
D.    to autogenerate reports correlated to a recipient’s level of knowledge

Answer: C

Which filtering condition will be used to highlight only failed transactions in Analysis graphs?

A.    transaction end status
B.    host name
C.    transaction name
D.    error type

Answer: A

During a test run, why is it important to insert Run-time Monitors on Controller and Load Generator machines?

A.    to verify that Vuser ramp and Load Generator CPU usage are approximately the same
B.    to verify that your test architecture is properly isolated from external disturbance
C.    to ensure that test architecture performance is not lower than that of the architecture under test
D.    to ensure that your test architecture can generate the desired load without itself becoming a bottleneck

Answer: D

Which goal is an example of a measurable goal?

A.    the number of iterations defined in the Run-time Settings (RTS)
B.    the identification of the name of the application server
C.    the expected transaction response time
D.    the number of Load Generators to be used

Answer: C

Which goal is an example of a high level goal?

A.    Error rate may not be higher than 10% of all transactions.
B.    Update transaction must work in peak time.
C.    500 users must be able to log in at the same time.
D.    The Search transaction may not take longer than 3 seconds.

Answer: B

Which default port is used for the communication between MI_Listener and Monitoring Agent?

A.    443
B.    1521
C.    8080
D.    50500

Answer: A

Which HP LoadRunner application or component is used to upload the license?

A.    Controller
B.    Analysis
C.    Virtual User Generator
D.    Launcher

Answer: D

Which tool is used to manage and maintain a scenario?

A.    VuGen
B.    Analysis
C.    Controller
D.    Load Generator
r Generator
E.    Launcher

Answer: D

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