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2016 September SAP Official New Released C_TFIN52_66 Dumps in!

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SAP New Released Exam C_TFIN52_66 exam questions are now can be download from Lead2pass! All questions and answers are the latest! 100% exam pass guarantee! Get this IT exam certification in a short time!

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center:

For reports in Asset Accounting, which object do you have to use and, where necessary, customize to determine the sort level and/or the summation level?

A.    Depreciation area
B.    Sort key
C.    Sort variant
D.    Valuation area
E.    Company 1

Answer: C

Your company currently uses internal number ranges for documents. You are rolling out your system in a new country. It is a legal requirement in this country to have external document numbering on vendor invoices (currently document type KR). You have copied the number ranges from the existing company code to the new company code. Which Customizing settings do you have to make to meet this requirement and have a minimal effect on the existing system configuration?

A.    Mark a new document number range as external and assign it to the document type KR.
B.    Create a new external document type and assign the number range 51 to the new document type.
C.    Create a new document type and a new external number range interval as external. Assign the
new number range to the new document type.
D.    Mark existing number range interval 51 as external for the new company code.

Answer: D

You have two house banks. Each house bank has three bank accounts. How many separate G/L accounts do you recommend the customer creates in the chart of accounts?

A.    Six – one for each combination of house bank and bank account
B.    One for all postings
C.    Two – one for each house bank
D.    Three – one for each bank account

Answer: A

Which line item field is filled automatically by the sort key field of a master record (G/L account, customer, or vendor)?

A.    Item text
B.    Assignment
C.    Amount in document currency
D.    Number of the invoice to which the transaction belongs

Answer: B

You want to reconcile the amounts you have in a main bank G/L account in your system with the daily bank statement. You create a single intermediate G/L bank account for each bank. All transactions with the bank are posted through the intermediate account. Which of the following indicators do you have to activate in the G/L account characteristics of the intermediate account? (Choose two)

A.    Reconciliation account for account type Bank
B.    Line item display
C.    P&L statement account
D.    Post automatically only
E.    Open item management

Answer: BE

What additional options do parking documents offer compared to holding documents? (Choose two)

A.    A parked document can be posted cross-client to minimize the total cost of ownership (TCO).
B.    A parked document can be posted using a workflow.
C.    A parked document can be changed and posted by another user, thereby supporting the principle
of dual control.
D.    A parked document can be posted via automatic speech recognition.

Answer: BC

Your customer has two company codes in the same client. Each company code has a different operational chart of accounts. The customer has a country-specific chart of accounts for each company code. How does this influence how you create customer master records?

A.    You have to create customer master records for each credit control area.
B.    You have to create one master record for each customer.
C.    You have to create customer master records for each country-specific chart of accounts.
D.    You have to create customer master records for each chart of accounts.

Answer: B

What do you define when you configure a dunning procedure?

A.    Dunning levels and dunning charges for each dunning level
B.    Dunning levels and account determination to post dunning interest
C.    Dunning charges for each dunning level and customers to be dunned
D.    Dunning levels and the language of the dunning note

Answer: A

Which of the following factors determine the field status for vendors?

A.    Account group, transaction, and company code
B.    Transaction, chart of accounts, and company code
C.    Account group, chart of accounts, and company code
D.    Account group, transaction, and chart of accounts

Answer: A

Which of the following objects must you enter when posting an asset acquisition against a vendor? (Choose three)

A.    Document type
B.    Fixed asset balance sheet account
C.    Special G/L transaction
D.    Asset master record
E.    Transaction type

Answer: ADE

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2016 SAP C_TFIN52_66 exam dumps (All 85 Q&As) from Lead2pass: [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed]