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The C_TBW45_70 braindumps are the latest, authenticated by expert and covering each and every aspect of C_TBW45_70 exam. Comparing with others, our exam questions are rich in variety. We offer PDF dumps and C_TBW45_70 VCE dumps. Welcome to choose.

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center:

Which of the following statements are true regarding sections in the Report Designer? (Choose two)

A.    A static section is based on a data provider that has an underlying query containing two structures.
B.    A dynamic section is based on a data provider that has an underlying query containing one structure.
C.    A dynamic section is based on a data provider that has an underlying query containing two structures.

D.    Dynamic sections offer fewer navigation options than static sections.

Answer: AB

With the BEx Web Application Designer Chart Designer, a tool is provided that allows you to quickly and easily create different chart types for Web Applications based on the data of BI queries or query views. The features of the Chart Designer include… (Choose two)

A.    … an integrated Chart Wizard.
B.    … geographical analysis.
C.    … chart editing features.
D.    … suggest best chart type automatically.

Answer: AC

Which of the following statements are correct about the activation of requests in DataStore Objects of "standard" type? (Choose two)

A.    Requests with a "green" status can be activated.
B.    The order in which the data is loaded in the activation queue table doesn’t matter.
C.    The user can load data records directly into the active data table.
D.    The user can specify whether several requests should be grouped into one request in the change log table, or whether each request should also generate a separate request upon loading into the change log table.

Answer: AD

What are the properties of an InfoProvider in SAP NetWeaver BI? (Choose two)

A.    They are BI objects on which queries can be defined.
B.    Each InfoProvider physically contains data.
C.    Each InfoProvider (except MultiProviders themselves) can be used in a MultiProvider.
D.    Each characteristic is an InfoProvider.

Answer: AC

Which of these statements about the line item dimensions of an InfoCube are correct? (Choose two)

A.    Line item dimensions are recommended when few characteristic values are contained in a dimension
(low cardinality).
B.    The creation of a line item dimension is a modeling technique to improve reading performance from InfoCubes.
C.    When a line item dimension is used, the dimension table is omitted.
D.    A line item dimension can contain more than one characteristic.

Answer: BC

Which of the following statements about a DataStore Object can be made with respect to the overall architecture of the BI system? (Choose two)

A.    A DataStore Object can be used to transfer changed data records to other InfoProviders even for non-delta-enabled DataSources.
B.    The DataStore Object is an important component of the DataWarehouse architecture in BI systems.
It can serve as both a Target- and a Source-InfoProvider.
C.    Data from the DataStore object can only be updated into InfoCubes.
D.    Queries can be defined based on DataStore Objects of type "Standard" only.

Answer: AB

The following statements apply to a VirtualProvider: (Choose two)

A.    An extraction is started in the source system every time a query is called up that uses a VirtualProvider
that is based on a Data Transfer Process.
B.    All DataSources can be accessed / used by a VirtualProvider.
C.    VirtualProviders are used in mass data extraction.
D.    VirtualProviders can be used as persistent data stores.
E.    VirtualProviders can be used in a MultiProvider.

Answer: AE

Which of these objects can be used to define a MultiProvider? (Choose four)

A.    InfoCubes
B.    DataStore Objects
C.    MultiProvider
D.    InfoSets
E.    Characteristic InfoObjects (with attributes or texts)

Answer: ABDE

When should VirtualProviders based on Data Transfer Processes be used? (Choose three)

A.    When real-time data is needed from source systems.
B.    When only small data volumes are transferred to the queries.
C.    When a query is executed several times a day by many users.
D.    When the query is executed by only a few users at the same time and the data volume required is low.
E.    When the query requires large data volumes.

Answer: ABD

You are preparing to create the required objects as the 1st phase of your Integrated Planning project. Which of the following are correct options? You can: (Choose three)

A.    Build an aggregation level directly on a Real Time InfoCube.
B.    Build an aggregation level on a MultiProvider. The MultiProvider could contain a basic InfoCube with
actual data, and a Real Time InfoCube with plan data.
C.    Build an aggregation level on a MultiProvider that contains another aggregation level.
D.    Use an aggregation level as an InfoProvider in a MultiProvider.

Answer: ABD

SAP C_TBW45_70 is often called the hardest of all SAP exams. Lead2pass helps you kill the SAP C_TBW45_70 exam challenge and achieve the perfect passing score with its latest practice test, packed into the revolutionary interactive VCE. This is the best way to prepare and pass the C_TBW45_70 exam.

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