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You are the network administrator for a large organization that has decided to implement DirectAccess. What are some of the requirements needed to install DirectAccess? Choose
all that apply.
A. Windows Server 2008 R2 running the DirectAccess feature
B. Windows certificate authority server
Answer: ABC
You are the network administrator for a midsize company that uses Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. All Windows 7 machines receive their IP address from DHCP.
You have a Windows 7 machine and need to identify its IPv6 address.
How can you accomplish this task? Choose all that apply.
A. Click Details from the network connection status.
B. Type ipconfig /all at the command prompt.
C. Type ipconfig /view at the command prompt.
D. Choose properties of My Computer.
Answer: AB
You are hired by friends to set up a network in their home. They have four machines in their home that are all connected by a router. There is currently no network in place.
They want to be able to share audio and video files among their family members.
How can you set up the network? Choose two.
A. Install a Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controller.
B. Create a HomeGroup.
C. All audio and video files should be moved to the media library.
D. Move all audio and video files to a shared folder on the Windows Server 2008 R2 machine.
Answer: BC
You are the network administrator for an organization with two sites (as shown in the diagram). You need to install a new Windows 7 machine into site 1.
Which TCP/IP address can you assign to the new Windows 7 machine?
Answer: C
You recently visited a website that automatically downloaded and installed spyware onto your computer. You want to prevent spyware from being installed in the future.
You have enabled Pop – up Blocker.
What else can you do to minimize your risk of downloading spyware?
A. Enable Phishing Filter.
B. Disable all add – ons.
C. Delete your browsing history.
D. Enable Protected Mode.
Answer: D
You are the network administrator for a large organization that has decided to use DirectAccess. You have configured all requirements for DirectAccess. You have a Windows 7 machine that is not connecting through DirectAccess. You run an ipconfig and get the following information:
Ethernet adapter local area connection
Connection – specifi c DNS suffi x: Stellacon.com
IPv4 address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
There are no other confi guration settings for this Windows 7 machine.
What needs to be done first to confi gure this machine to use DirectAccess?
A. Enable IPv6 on the network adapter
B. Remove the connection – specific DNS suffix
C. Remove the default gateway
D. Change the subnet mask
Answer: A
You are the network administrator for a midsize company that uses both desktops and laptops. All laptops use Windows 7 and have been connected to a wireless access point.
You disable the service set identifier (SSID), and now your laptops can no longer connect to the access point. What do you need to do to allow the laptops to connect?
A. Reboot the laptops.
B. Modify the wireless network connection settings on the laptops.
C. Reboot the access point.
D. Disconnect and reconnect the laptops to the domain.
Answer: B
You have made a Windows 7 virtual hard disk ( .vhd ) and installed that .vhd onto a machine.
You want to be sure that the machine boots up using the Windows 7 .vhd.
What do you need to modify?
A. Disk Management
B. Fdisk
C. bcdedit
D. boot.ini
Answer: C
You are the network administrator for a midsize company that uses both desktops and laptops. All laptops use Windows 7 and have been connected to a wireless access point that is configured to use Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) security. There is no preshared password key being used. You need to connect a new Windows 7 laptop to the access point.
How would you set up the security setting on the laptop?
A. WPA2 – Personal
B. WPA2 – Enterprise
C. WPA – Personal
D. WAP security
Answer: B
You are the network administrator for a large organization that uses Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. You have two Windows 7 machines named Client1 and Client2.
You want to be able to remotely execute commands on Client2 from Client1’s machine.
How can you accomplish this task?
A. Run WinRM quickconfig on Client1
B. Run WinRM quickconfig on Client2
C. Run WinRM execute on Client1
D. Run WinRM execute on Client2
Answer: B
No doubt, 70-680 exam is worth challenging task but you should not feel hesitant against the confronting difficulties. Get a complete hold on 70-680 exam syllabus through Lead2pass training and boost up your skills. No need to hassle if you are stuck in exam difficulties, Lead2pass will assist you right through exam specific preparation material. Lead2pass delivers the most comprehensive preparation material, covering each and every aspect of 70-680 exam curriculum.