2016 August SAP Official New Released C_BOWI_41 Q&As in Lead2pass.com!
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Although the SAP C_BOWI_41 dumps are very popular, Lead2pass offers a wide range of SAP C_BOWI_41 exam dumps and will continue to release new study guide to meet the rapidly increasing demand of the IT industry.
Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-bowi-41.html
Which two are benefits of creating queries from existing queries?
A. Improved query security
B. Accurate duplication of query parameters
C. Improved performance of query execution
D. Reduced creation time for complex reports
Answer: BD
You need to create a report that compares data to a reference data set.
You create the report and activate the track data option. The report correctly indicates the changes in the data; however when you make another change to the report, the display no longer indicates any data tracking.
What actions could have caused this behavior?
A. You drilled outside the scope of analysis.
B. You activated query drill mode.
C. You added a report break.
D. You added a chart to the report
Answer: AB
Which statement describes a benefit of using the NoFilter() function?
A. It overrides query filters.
B. It overrides query ranking.
C. It overrides report ranking.
D. It overrides universe security
Answer: C
Which two settings can you configure for the Sample option in the Properties tab of the Web Intelligence Query panel?
A. You can enable the "Fixed" option.
B. You can set the "Max retrieval time".
C. You can set the "Max rows retrieved".
D. You can specify a "Sample Result" set.
Answer: AD
Which type of relationship links sub-queries by default?
Answer: B
Which three are prerequisites for combining data from multiple data providers?
A. There are two or more queries in your document.
B. Both data providers must have the same dimension values.
C. Data values from each linked dimension must have a common format.
D. Object name from different universes in both data providers must be the same.
Answer: ABC
Where should you configure the regional settings of a Web Intelligence document (WID) within InfoView?
A. Local Settings
B. Browser Preferences
C. User Machine Settings
D. InfoView Preferences
Answer: D
Which three statements are true of calculation contexts?
A. If no context is defined the default context is assumed.
B. You can use NoFilter() as an extended syntax keyword when using contexts.
C. The ForEach context operator automatically takes the dimensions in the block into account.
D. You must place parentheses around the values listed after the Where keyword when using the Where operator.
Answer: ACD
Which two statements are true of grouping sets when using smart measures?
A. It is a set of dimensions that generates a result for a measure.
B. It is a set of measures that generates a result for a dimension.
C. The generated SQL includes grouping sets for all the aggregations of that dimension that are included in the report.
D. The generated SQL includes grouping sets for all the aggregations of that measure that are included in the report.
Answer: AD
Which three features can you use in Interactive View mode of BusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.1?
A. Sort
B. Filters
C. Format Cell
D. Merge Dimensions
Answer: ABC
Lead2pass offers the latest SAP C_BOWI_41 dumps and a good range of SAP Certification C_BOWI_41 answers. Most of our SAP C_BOWI_41 exam dumps are exclusively prepared by the best brains and highly skilled professionals from the IT domain to ensure 100% pass in your SAP C_BOWI_41 Exam.
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