A user wants to list the names and authors of documents in a repository. The results should be arranged alphabetically by author. Which query will do this?
A. selectobject_name, authors from dm_document list by authors
B. selectobject_name, authors from dm_document sort by authors
C. selectobject_name, authors from dm_document order by authors
D. selectobject_name, authors from dm_document group by authors
Answer: C
A user named John needs to find which of his documents are checked out. How would you complete the following query to accomplish this? select object_name from dm_document _____
A. wherer_lock_owner=’John’
B. whereowner_name=’John’ and r_lock_owner is null
C. whereowner_name=’John’ and r_lock_owner is true
D. whereowner_name=’John’ and r_lock_owner=’John’
Answer: B
A user wants a list of documents with keywords that contain the words ‘interface,’ ‘class’ or both ‘interface’ and ‘class.’ How would you complete the following query to accomplish this?
Select object_name from dm_document _____
A. where any keywords=’interface’ or keywords=’class’
B. where any keywords=’interface’ and keywords=’class’
C. where any keywords=’interface’ or any keywords=’class’
D. where any keywords=’interface’ and any keywords=’class’
Answer: C
A user wants to write a DQL query that can be run on a daily basis to determine which documents were modified on the previous day.
How would you complete the following query to accomplish this?
select object_name from dm_document _____
A. where r_modify_date = date(yesterday)
B. where r_modify_date >= date(yesterday)
C. where r_modify_date > date(yesterday) and r_modify_date < date(today)
D. where r_modify_date >= date(yesterday) and r_modify_date < date(today)
Answer: D
A user wants to determine how many documents they own. Which query will do this?
A. select count(*) fromdm_document where owner_name = user
B. select sum(*) fromdm_document where owner_name = user
C. select sum(r_link_cnt) from dm_document where owner_name = user
D. selectnumber_of(object_name) from dm_document where owner_name = user
Answer: A
A user wants a list of all folders and subfolders within the ‘Resources’ cabinet in a repository. How should the user complete the following query to accomplish this?
select object_name from dm_folder _____
A. where folder(‘/Resources’)
B. where folder = ‘/Resources’
C. where folder(‘/Resources’, descend)
D. where folder = ‘/Resources’, descend
Answer: C
Your application performs the following actions:
– create a document.
– link it to a folder.
– saves the document.
If you use an alias for the documents owner_name and an alias for the folder path you can _____.
A. reuse this application in any context, in any repository
B. automatically attach the default lifecycle to the document
C. write a query to access the document through alias tables
D. reuse the application only in repositories with the same object types
Answer: A
Which is a valid alias resolution scope?
A. folder
B. assembly
C. object type
D. workflow performer
Answer: D
What software service enables the automated movement of content between tiers of storage?
A. Library Services
B. Federated Services
C. Content Storage Services
D. Application Integration Services
Answer: C
What is the main role of the Content Server?
A. manages and secures content
B. createspdf and html renditions of content
C. indexes content and provides search functionality
D. creates and managesDocApps and Custom Types
Answer: A
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