You have been asked to enhance an existing system to also manage a collection of documents.
The documents need to be archived.
Which product should you use?
A. Documentum Records Manager
B. Documentum Compliance Manager
C. Documentum Retention Policy Services
D. Documentum Content Storage Services
Answer: D
You recognize that a solution you recently deployed to manage marketing materials includes a significant number of PowerPoint presentations.
Which component should you consider adding to the system that would allow more reuse of the PowerPoint presentations at the individual slide level?
A. Documentum Media Transformation Services
B. Documentum Document Transformation Services
C. Documentum Advanced Document Transformation Services
D. Documentum Regulatory Publishing Transformation Services
Answer: A
You have been asked to implement a system to ensure that proper processes are being used in publishing and approving documents that are business-critical.
Which product should you use?
A. Documentum Records Manager
B. Documentum Discovery Manager
C. Documentum Compliance Manager
D. Documentum Digital Asset Manager
Answer: C
A solution that was recently deployed for managing office documents was a success and you have now been asked to expand the solution to support remote sites. Unfortunately, several of the sites have slow network connections.Which service should you use to work around this issue and still maintain centralized security?
A. Documentum Site Delivery Services
B. Documentum Content Storage Services
C. Documentum Content Distribution Services
D. Documentum Branch Office Caching Services
Answer: D
You have been asked to develop a solution that includes a document workflow process where a large portion of the process will be performed by a third-party organization. The organization also has a workflow application in place for this solution. Which product should you use that would take advantage of both workflow packages?
A. Business Process Services
B. Documentum Site Delivery Services
C. Documentum Content Distribution Services
D. Documentum Branch Office Caching Services
Answer: A
A company has a mainframe application that produces customer invoice and billing information through print stream operations. Often a call center representative has to request this information to be re-printed or has to look for it in a filing cabinet.Which product will provide a solution to capture print stream formats, convert them to PDF and import them into the Documentum repository?
A. Process Connectors
B. Documentum Print Control Services
C. Documentum Report Management Services
D. Advanced Document Transformation Services
Answer: C
Marketing has created a press release using Microsoft Word and checked it into the repository. They want to distribute the press release as a PDF. Which application automatically generates a rendition to accomplish this?
A. Site Delivery Services
B. Trusted Content Services
C. Business Process Services
D. Content Transformation Services
Answer: D
You have been asked to import a large volume of Office files from a shared filed system into the Documentum repository.
Which product should you use to ensure that the content is categorized, attributed and stored in the proper location based on a taxonomy?
A. Documentum Discovery Manager
B. Documentum Content Intelligence Services
C. Documentum IRM Client for Microsoft Office
D. Documentum Advanced Document Transformation Services
Answer: B
When using a web client, which software component makes the connection to the Content Server software?
B. Internet browser
C. application server
D. operating system
Answer: A
A recent repository installation experienced greater demand than expected. The Database Server and Application Server are accepting the load, while the Content Server is accepting only a limited number of connections.What action increases the connection capacity of the existing Content Server hardware?
A. add memory modules to the hardware
B. install a second Content Server instance
C. install a second Content Server hardware box
D. install another repository and split up the users
Answer: B
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