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Which of the following are valid Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 role types? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Application Role
B. Functional Role
C. Operational Role
D. Organizational Role
E. Process Role
Answer: DBA
Which of the following statements about role-based security in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is true?
A. A duty can be assigned to only one security role.
B. A privilege can be assigned to only one security role.
C. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 includes default security roles.
D. A security role cannot be defined as a combination of other security roles.
Answer: C
Which of the following statements about the extensible data security framework in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is true?
A. The extensible data security framework cannot be used in conjunction with role-based security in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
B. The extensible data security framework can be used to filter data for fields that are contained in separate tables from the data that is being filtered.
C. The extensible data security framework can be used to create data security policies that provide different levels of access to a user based on a query.
D. The extensible data security framework can be used to create data security policies that are enforced based on the type of client that is used to access the data.
Answer: B
Which of the following statements about record-level security in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is true?
A. Record-level security cannot be used to limit access to data based on a query.
B. Record-level security enables administrators to restrict the data that displays on forms.
C. Record-level security enables administrators to restrict the data that displays on menus.
D. Record-level security does not enable administrators to restrict the data that displays in reports.
Answer: B
Which of the following statements about overrides for securable objects in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is true?
A. Overrides cannot be applied to individual fields in the database.
B. Overrides for securable objects are associated with specific duties or privileges.
C. When you apply an override, the access level for the object is set for the role only if that access level is specified by the duties and privileges assigned to that role.
D. When you apply an override, the access level for the object is set for the role regardless of the access levels specified by the duties and privileges assigned to that role.
Answer: D
Which of the following statements about the security model in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is true?
A. Duties can be applied directly to security roles.
B. Duties are combined into privileges.
C. Privileges are grouped into process cycles.
D. Privileges cannot be applied directly to security roles.
Answer: A
Which of the following statements about basic integration ports used by Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is true?
A. Basic integration ports can host services either on the Application Object Server (AOS) or on IIS.
B. Basic integration ports allow the user the ability to specify advanced security and troubleshooting settings.
C. Basic integration ports support a variety of protocols through Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) adapters.
D. Basic integration ports are exposed at a specific Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) endpoint on the Application Object Server (AOS) host.
Answer: D
Which of the following system services are supported by the Application Integration Framework in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Customer service
B. IIS Admin service
C. Metadata service
D. Query service
E. User Session service
Answer: EDC
Which of the following statements about system services in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is true?
A. Services are hosted on IIS by default.
B. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Web Services is a required component.
C. To consume the system services over the Internet, the services must be hosted on IIS.
D. Services hosted by the Application Object Server (AOS) are available by default to all users and applications across the Internet.
Answer: C
Which of the following statements about Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 are true? (Choose all that apply.)
A. To deploy system services over the Intranet, the services must be installed on IIS.
B. All the services references are placed in a single Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file.
C. The services framework uses connection pooling to reduce the overhead of creating and destroying a session on service calls.
D. To achieve scale and redundancy, configure network load balancing for the services across the Application Object Server (AOS) servers.
E. Client applications can access services by using the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) runtime, but must use the .NET Business Connector.
Answer: DCB
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