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Vendor: Cisco
Exam Code: 600-503
Exam Name: Designing with Cisco Network Programmability
Version: DEMO
Which option about QoS polices created by Cisco onePK policy service set is true?
A. Polices do not show up in device configuration and persist until the device is reloaded.
B. Policies do not show up in device configuration and are removed when onePK application sessions are disconnected.
C. Policies show up in device configuration and persist until the device is reloaded.
D. Policies show up in device configuration and are removed when onePK application sessions are disconnected.
Answer: B
Which three categories are policy capabilities of onePK? (Choose three.)
A. global capabilities
B. local capabilities
C. pipeline capabilities
D. platform capabilities
E. table capabilities
Answer: ACE
Which three sets of information are included in policy capabilities of onePK? (Choose three.)
A. the order of policies from ingress to egress
B. support to set MPLS EXP
C. support to set Layer 2 CoS
D. support to set source MAC address
E. ability to consume CDP tags
F. ability to set a session profile keychain
Answer: ABC
Which five options are key capabilities that are provided by Cisco ONE? (Choose five.)
A. choice of protocols to manage network components
B. programmability for applications
C. abstraction of network functions
D. foundation for a dynamic feedback loop of user, session, and application analytics
E. monolithic software with strong security
F. reduces operation complexity
G. simplification of network storage
Answer: ABCDF
Which option is needed to meet the SLA for the customer that promises no service downtime?
A. cold standby spare part deployment
B. next business day send back hardware replacement
C. enabling high availability on critical components
D. onsite engineer placement
Answer: C
In which two deployment models does a Cisco onePK application that uses the Data Path Service Set have the best performance? (Choose two.)
A. blade hosted
B. end-point hosted
C. server load balanced
D. controller hosted
E. process hosted
Answer: AE
Which standard contains the Unified Modeling Language as an approved standard?
A. ANSI/HFES 100-2007
B. IEEE 1619-2007
C. ISO/IEC 19505-2.2012
D. ISO 12931.2012
E. IEEE 802.1s
Answer: C
A software developer has written an application that is experiencing high latency with user interaction in the web interface.
Which three dependencies should be analyzed? (Choose three.)
A. Ensure the routing tables are up to date.
B. Check for excessive CPU usage.
C. Check network ACLs.
D. Check database query results.
E. Check DNS query results.
Answer: BDE
Which three statements reflect the components of good Service Level Agreements and Operational Level Agreements? (Choose three.)
A. “Required availability for these services is 99.5% uptime, not counting planned maintenance times.”
B. “The user must not wait for response by the application to an input for more than 10 seconds out of any 5 minute window.”
C. “The Server Support Team will acknowledge reception of Priority-1 Server Down requests from the Service Desk in 15 minutes.”
D. “The external WAN Service Provider will have Five 9s availability.”
E. “The system should be HA with low MTBF.”
Answer: ABC
Which statement about SDN southbound interfaces is true?
A. They send the information for packet forwarding from the SDN controller to network devices.
B. They send the information about packet forwarding statistics from network devices to the SDN controller.
C. They send the information of network polices from applications to the SDN controller.
D. They send the information of certificate authority from applications to the SDN controller.
Answer: A
You can use several methods to monitor application status.
Which method checks if a client and a server can communicate correctly?
A. Clients continuously perform ping to the server.
B. Encourage users to notify system administrator to report periodically.
C. Client and server send keepalive periodically on the connected sessions.
D. Client checks if the application TCP port is opened on the server periodically.
Answer: C
You design the application to monitor interface traffic with Cisco onePK.
Which service set should be used to monitor traffic counters of interfaces?
A. utility service set
B. developer service set
C. element service set
D. policy service set
Answer: C
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