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Vendor: Cisco
Exam Code: 500-460
Exam Name: Enterprise Mobility Essentials for Sales Engineers
Version: DEMO
Which three options are ways in which the Cisco BYOD Smart Solution offers value for partners? (Choose three.)
A. predictability through the use of Cisco Validated Designs
B. exposure through the use of Cisco partner marketing agreements
C. relevancy through the use of a modular approach
D. simplicity through the use of a comprehensive partner site
E. education through the use of Cisco Partner University
Answer: ACD
Which two options are applications that enable collaboration in the Cisco Mobile Collaboration Solution? (Choose two.)
A. AnyConnect
B. Cisco Prime
C. Jabber
D. Mobile Device Management
E. WebEx
Answer: CE
Which application is an all-in-one Cisco Unified Communications application?
A. TelePresence
B. WebEx
C. Jabber
D. Unity
Answer: C
Which three options are the primary stages of the Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences? (Choose three.)
A. protect
B. connect
C. inspect
D. engage
E. detect
Answer: BDE
When comparing location to presence, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. Presence requires a minimum of two access points.
B. Location provides a more precise device location than presence.
C. Location requires a minimum of three access points.
D. Presence is not part of the Cisco CMX Analytics offering.
Answer: BC
Which component of the Cisco CMX Solution drives the CMX applications?
A. Identity Services Engine
B. Cisco Prime Infrastructure
C. Mobility Services Engine
D. Mobility Experiences SDK
Answer: C
Which three elements are part of Cisco Unified Access? (Choose three.)
A. Cisco Prime Infrastructure
B. Cisco Enterprise Mobility Services Platform
C. 802.11ac-enabled wireless access switches
D. Cisco Wireless Intrusion Prevention System
E. Cisco Identity Services Engine
Answer: ACE
Which two services are parts of the Mobile Network Services layer of the Cisco CMX Solution Architecture? (Choose two.)
A. social analytics
B. presence
C. guest access
D. browser-based services
E. service discovery
Answer: BE
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