Vendor: HP
Exam Code: HP2-W100
Exam Name: HP TippingPoint Next Generation Firewall Security Products Professional
To use a secure method of retrieving events from the device, which SMS option should you choose?
A. Alert Channel
B. Notify Channel
C. Activate Channel
D. Inform Channel
Answer: A
The BitTorrent application falls into which Application Filter Category?
A. Social Networking
B. Productivity
C. File Sharing
D. Gaming
Answer: C
Which group of filters is static?
A. Games, Music, Video, RD
B. Games, P2P, Remote Access, Tunneling
C. Games, P2P Music, Flash
D. Games, Music, Video, Tunneling
Answer: A
What must be done before configuring firewall rules and inspection filters?
A. Creating Application Groups
B. Authenticating servers
C. Setting up Security Zones
D. Implementing directional-based policies
Answer: C
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